
The …fascinating world of food safety, food standards, and competent authorities!

Primary production fully explored, from genetics to zoonoses and farm management!

The segment for the well informed vet clinic!
Why VetNote ?
One click Knowlegde
With VetNote Lite licence, VetNote sends you an email alert every month with new AND amending legislation. There are links to EUR-Lex that give you access to the full text in any given EU language. 10 minutes of reading every month gives you everything you need to know for new and changing legislation! If you opt for the PRO license, you get VetNote Index in addition to the emails. This is a detailed index with currect legislation in all relavant fields. So, you get you notifications and an ever-changing index of current legislation. Simple, fast, effective!
Due dilligence for International standards (ISO, FSSC, BRC, IFS, BIO, etc)
VetNote Index has effective categorization, search options and links to EUR-Lex. VetNote Index together with monthly VetNote alerts give you the perfect tool to provide legislation due diligence for your company’s management system. VetNote is essentially a virtual employee that scans all EU legislation, finds the changes in your field and indexes them for you!
No more print- outs and physical folders
Forget the classic over-weighed, stretched-out folder(s) and printouts for relavant legislation. VetNote keeps you informed, is fast on searching, and gives you access to the text of the relevant legislation in any EU language within a few clicks!
Latest news
Regulation 2020-771
Annatto, Bixin, Norbixin (E 160b) is extracted from the seeds of the annatto tree (Bixa orellana L.) and confers a yellow to red colour to food. The main pigments in annatto extracts are bixin and norbixin. In spite of their similarity in structure, bixin and norbixin have significantly different physico-chemical properties and, therefore, different applications...
And off we go!
After several years of following the EU veterinary legislation, we are finally ready to offer this subscription platform to professionals!
New EU 3-year control programme for pesticide residues
New Regulation 2020-585 establishes a coordinated multiannual control programme for pesticide residues in foods for years 2021-2023. 40 foods of plant and animal origin, that make up the “European diet”, will be tested during this period. Since pesticide uses show significant changes over a period of three years, pesticides should be monitored in those foodstuffs over...
The new rules for organic production are here!
Under the new Regulation 2020-464, important requirements of infrastructure and everyday practice in organic production for all species of animals, including fish farms, are defined. The new requirements may imply tangible works and investments like rebuilding of animals’ premises and land acquisitions, or a complete refurbishment of animals’ premises for certain holdings or production units...