Authorities: Competent authorities, official controls and audits, coordination action plans, food hygiene “package” and much more.
Food Standards: Everything related to microbiological and chemical criteria, food additives, labelling, packaging material specs, organic product specs and much more.
Trade Controls: Legislation about the organization and official controls of food transport between EU and third countries and within the EU.
By-Products: The challenging and important segment of by-products management related to the food industry.
Laboratory: Food laboratory specifics, official EU laboratories, recognized laboratory practices and much more.
Meat: Meat specific legislation from slaughter house classification to meat market trade standards.
Fish: Fish market standards and more.
Milk: Milk and milk products market standards and more.
Eggs: Egg market standards and some elements from primary production (the rest lie in the livestock section).
Honey: Not so populated section, but still honey market standards here!
Non animal food: The section for food of non-animal origin.
Vet Generic: Generic stuff, that wouldn’t fit in the other sections!